Ponding water is a common problem that occurs on flat roofs, yet can cause significant damage if not addressed quickly. 

Read on as roofing and gutter installation contractor Burr Roofing, Siding, & Windows shares the consequences of ignoring ponding water on a flat roof.

How Does Ponding Water Form?

Ponding water occurs on flat roofs when rainwater isn’t properly drained, resulting in water that stays on the roofing surface for more than 24 hours.

A properly built “flat” roof shouldn’t have ponding water; it has a slight slope that drains water toward the roof drainage system. Anything that impedes the flow of water on the roof has to be removed to prevent ponding water.

Irregularities on the roofing surface, such as those caused by installation errors, roofing damage, or warped roofing substrate, develop some time after installation. The building may settle into its foundation or the soil underneath may shift, which may result in a slight change in roof elevation on some parts. 

This can result in inefficient drainage and depressions on the roof surface.

Roof insulation may become compacted from too much moisture, which can lead to depressions on the roof. Regular roof maintenance and inspections can help you locate such issues and address them before they form ponding water.

Why You Should Not Ignore Ponding Water

One of the reasons why you should inspect your roof within 24 hours after a storm is because it’s the only time that you can tell for sure if your roof has ponding water. Timely repairs, or at least draining ponding water from the roof, can help prevent the following problems:

Dirt Buildup — Dust and airborne debris can collect on ponding water and practically turn into mud. It can also encourage moss and algae growth.

UV Damage — Stagnant water can act as magnifying glass and accelerate UV damage on the roof.

Photo-Oxidation — Water can accelerate the oxidation of fasteners, flashing and roof coatings, which can result in premature roofing failure.

Burr Roofing, Siding, & Windows is your leading provider of roofing and replacement windows installation services. 

Give us a call at (203) 660-2009 or fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment.