According to siding and gutter installation experts, one of the main concerns that you need to look out for as a homeowner is, believe it or not, woodpeckers. This is because woodpeckers can make a mess out of your siding. 

Unfortunately, when they peck at your siding, the system could sustain some damage and they can even nest in it. Thankfully, experts say that fiber cement siding can actually stand up to woodpeckers. 

How Fiber Cement Siding Stands Up Against Woodpeckers

Surprisingly enough, siding and roof maintenance pros say that fiber cement siding is actually the best kind of siding to consider if you want something that can defend against woodpeckers. This is because since it’s made up of cement, sand, and cellulose, it won’t be easy for woodpeckers to damage the siding system. 

Apart from that, since there’s hardly any organic material in the siding, it won’t be very appealing to woodpeckers and termites to begin with, allowing you to enjoy the economical and aesthetic benefits of fiber cement siding with little to no worry.

Other Siding Materials That Can Resist Woodpeckers

Of course, there are also other siding materials that can resist the damage that woodpeckers can cause. In fact, if you can afford it, stone and brick siding are other siding options that you can consider if you don’t feel like using fiber cement. 

Other than that, wood composite could work as well but it’s possible you may find holes in it due to drumming. When looking for siding materials to avoid, on the other hand, experts say that despite their strength, vinyl and cedar siding are susceptible to woodpecker damage.

Want to install fiber cement siding in your home? Look no further than Burr Roofing, Siding, & Windows. 

When it comes to installing siding and replacement windows, we are the leading experts to turn to and we won’t let you down! Give us a call at (203) 660-2009 or fill out our contact form to request an estimate from us today!